A Texas visual art teacher travels to Japan in June 2006 through the Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund Program. Learn with the students of his advanced art class as Mr. Lowke experiences the culture of the East.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Sayonara and Arigato

Today is the last day I am in Japan. I am excited to come home, yet sad to leave Japan behind as there are still things unseen and undone. The past weeks have been packed with activities both planned and unplanned. I wouldn't change one thing about this trip and experience.
We have spent the day watching presentations by all the small groups, Meguro, Itabashi, Ito, Komatsu, Itoigawa, Omura, Aizuwakamatsu, Kennuma, Mutsu and Kushiro. Each group had a unique and rewarding experience. We all found similarities and differences in each Japanese community we visited, but the thread that we have all pulled is the kindness and sincerity of the Japanese people and the care they give to their children and families through education.
I spent the afternoon with Pam, Bob and maria walking around the Imperial Palace trying to get into the Imperial Gardens. Alas, that is something left undone. But I am good with that as I can't do it all and that leaves something to come back and see another day.
Tonight was the Sayonara Dinner. This was both celebration of all that we have experienced and sadness at leaving new found friends and a culture we have come to respect and enjoy. There were the traditional Japanese speeches til the end and food. What would JFMF be without the food? We have eaten our way from beginning to end. Additionally, there was video clips from all 10 group trips and our time together with the challenge to go out and teach and tell the world what we have learned about Japan. We ended with the JFMF theme song, Eagle Flies to the Rising Sun. Ask me about the lyrics when I get home.
Most of all, I want to say thank you and arigato to the Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund and the government of Japan for providing this wonderful life experience for me and through me my students, family and community. I could not have done the past three weeks without the loving support of my wife, Lorna and my three kids, Lane, Maren and Reed. Daddy is coming home and I miss all of you so much! Also, thanks to my AWESOME mother and father who raised me to accept challenges and not to be afraid to experience life. My mom and dad have kept my kids these past three weeks and I love you both very much for helping make this trip possible. Finally thanks to my school community, students, faculty and church community. You have all supported me, read my blog, commented, translated business cards into Japanese and given me support and advice in so many ways, I cannot express my thanks enough.
Tomorrow is flight day and I will be traveling in the air for more than 13 hours. Please keep me in you thoughts and prayers that I return home safely.
Keep reading my blog occasionally as I update it with the most challenging part, my follow-on plan of sharing this life event with my community in a meaningful and relevant way.